Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Jakaya: Freedom from hunger is 'basic human right'

Speaking at Tuesday's ceremony, Tanzanian President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete said that in sub-Saharan Africa, which along with southern Asia suffers the brunt of the scourge of hunger, "we see some light at the end of the tunnel."

But in order to "consign hunger to history" in Africa, the continent needs a "green revolution" involving a major increase in irrigation-based agriculture, widely available and affordable higher-yielding seeds and other inputs, he said.

"All countries are capable of guaranteeing the right to food to their people," Kikwete said. "However, for most of our people in the South this will be possible only by revolutionising our agricultural production."

He added: "All that is required is the reliability ... on the part of the donors to support and complement our efforts."

The FAO laments that despite the 1996 World Food Summit's pledge to reduce the number of undernourished people by half by 2015, the number of hungry people continues to rise.

"Keeping the summit pledge would require reducing the number of undernourished by 31 million every year until 2015, whereas the number of hungry is currently climbing at the rate of some four million a year," the FAO said when it released the 2006 report on the state of world food insecurity.

Developing countries reduced the overall number of undernourished by three million to 820 million from the baseline period of 1990-92. But that figure was reduced by 100 million in the 1980s and 37 million in the previous decade, the FAO noted.
"40,000 children die every day throughout the world due to malnutrition and related diseases. These are the people who are being denied the right to food. These are the people who are the subject of this year's World Food Day," Tanzanian Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete said in his speech.


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  Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania, Mhe. Dkt. Samia Suluhu Hassan, ameshiriki kama mgeni rasmi katika hafla ya utoaji wa Tuzo za Wasa...