Acacia’s top leadership,DeoMwanyika, (First-L), Peter Gelete, (2rd-L), Andrey Wrey, (3rd-R), Asa Mwaipopo, (2nd-R), and Janet Reuben Lekashingo, (First-R), pose for a group photo with two awards’ recipients of 15 years of service, Hamisi Hussein Juma, (3rd-L), and Omary Ally, (4th-L), during the awards giving ceremony held at the main office off Bagamoyo road in Dar es Salaam
ACACIA has been operating in Tanzania for over a decade and during that time the company has made a significant progress in mining industry in the country. To value this achievements, in the beginning of this year 2015, Acacia has recognized it's employees by rewarding them, some for long service and others for their outstanding performance under the company's six desired behaviors' culture.
All team members are exposed to a unique world class Cultural Transformation Programme, called Tufanikiwe Pamoja. The Programme embeds the Company's expectations and the accountabilities of every leader and team member with respect to their behavior and approach to work.
To ensure a high performance culture and become the best Company in Africa, the company has articulated six desired behaviors which all team member are expected to practice. These including, "We plan the work and work to plan, We hold people accountable and recognise performance, We work as a team (collaborate) and communicate openly, We do what we say we will do, We act with a sense of urgency, We develop our people to do their best".
At the end of this week it was the turn of Acacia Dar office employees, where 46 employees were awarded for a long service at a colorful event held on Friday evening at the company's main office along Bagamoyo road. Long servicing employees is the company's Buzwagi, North Mara and Bulyanhulu gold mine sites have also been rewarded since last month.
Those recognized on Friday were the staff who worked for 5, 10 and 15 years, since the company commenced it's operation in Tanzania. The awards were meant to show the company's appreciation for the workers commitment and loyalty that's reflected by their long years of service.
Acacia’s Vice President, (Corporate Affairs), Deo Mwanyika, delivers his speech during the awards giving ceremony held at the company’s main office in Dar es Salaam
Acacia’s Chief Financial Officer, (CFO), Andrew Wrey, makes his speech
Vice President Corporate Affairs, Deo Mwanyika, (R), joins the representatives from all three groups, to cut a cake to signify the award giving ceremony success.
Acacia’s employees, carry a balloon named Acacia, to show the spirit of working as a team (collaborate), during the event
Elated awards’ recipients display they certificates to a photographer
Acacia’s top leadership poses for a group photo with awards’ recipients of 5 years of service
Acacia’s Sustainability General Manager Asa Mwaipopo, presents a certificate of appreciation to the company’s Corporate Community Relations Manager Stephen Kisakye for long service
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