Sunday, June 28, 2009

Profesa Haroub Othman afariki dunia

MHADHIRI mwandamizi wa Chuo Kikuu Cha Dar-es-Salaam, Professa Haroub Miraji Othman, 66, amefariki dunia usiku wa kuamkia leo katika Hoteli ya Abuso Shangani Mjini Zanzibar.

Kwa mujibu wa Msemaji wa familia hiyo, Ali Uki alisema kifo cha Professa kilitokea ghafla akiwa usingizini wakati mke wake akimuamsha na kuona haamki ndipo alipowaita watu kumsaidia ambapo aliomba msaada wa kuitiwa daktari kuja kumpima na kuthibitisha kwamba ameshafariki majira dunia majira ya 1:30 asubuhi.

Professa Othman alifika Zanzibar juzi asubuhi akitokea Dar es Salaam kwa ajili ya kuhudhuria uzinduzi wa kilichotungwa na Professa Thomas Burgess, Ali Sultan Issa na Maalim Seif Sharif Hamad kiitwacho ‘Race Revolution and the Struggle for Human Rights in Zanzibar katika hafla iliyofanyika katika ukumbi mpya wa Al- Yamin Funguni Mjini hapa na baadae kuhudhuria uzinduzi wa Tamasha la Nchi za Jahazi (ZIFF) hadi usiku wa saa sita ambapo baadae alikwenda katika hoteli ya Abuso iliyopo Mji Mkongwe akiwa na mkewe Professa Said Othman..

“Professa hakuumwa jana si mlimuona alivyokuwa katika usinduzi wa kitabu asubuhi na usiku alikuwa katika uzinduzi wa tamasha la ZIFF na amefariki alfajiri kwa hakika kila mtu yatamfika mauti yeye ametangulia na sisi tupo nyuma yake ndio ameshatutoka tunachofanya sasa ni kuwasiliana na jamaa kwa ajili ya matayarisho ya mazishi,” alisema msemaji huyo.

Mbilia Bell akifanya mambozz Dom

Mwanamuziki toka Jamhuri ya KIdemokrasia ya Kongo, Mbilia Bel akitumbuiza katika viwanja vya bunge mjini Dodoma jana. Picha na Jube Tranquilino.

Mwanamuziki toka Jamhuri ya Kidemokrasia ya Kongo, Mbilia Bel akicheza muziki na Sapika wa Bunge Samwel Sitta wakati alipotumbuiza katika viwanja vya bunge mjini Dodoma jana. Picha na Jube Tranquilino.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

kaimu mufti sheikh Gorogosi afariki dunia

Kaimu Mufti wa Tanzania Sheikh Suleiman Gorogosi amefariki dunia leo mchana baada ya kupata ajali katika kijiji cha Mnolela mkoani Lindi.

Akizungumza na globu hii mkuu wa mkoa wa Lindi Said Meck Sadick amethibitisha kutokea kwa ajali hiyo majira ya saa saba na robo mchana.

Taarifa zilizopatikana baadaye zinasema kwamba Kaimu mufti ambaye pia ni Sheikh wa mkoa wa Lindi alikuwa anasafiri kutoka katika mji wa Mtwara ambako alishuka na ndege kuelekea Lindi mjini.

Habari zaidi zinasema kwamba bakwata wanaandaa mpango wa maziko ya kiongozi huyo wa bakwata.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Wajua kilichomuua Michael Jackson

London gigs killed Michael Jackson: Family lawyer says ailing star was on massive medication to get him ready for O2 concerts

By David Gardner, Liz Thomas and Mark Coleman

Michael Jackson's family lawyer today blamed his sudden death on his inner circle pushing him too hard in the run up to a series of comeback gigs in Britain.
Brian Oxman, who was with the Jacksons in Los Angeles overnight, revealed the 50-year-old singer had been taking drugs for months in his battle to be fit for the string of concerts next month.
Kaka wa Michael Jackson akiongea na waandishi wa habari hospitalini

mwili wa Michael Jackson ukifikishwa hospitalini

He suffered a massive heart attack and stopped breathing last night. His personal doctor, thought to be Dr Tohme Tohme, was with him but could not resuscitate him.
There is growing speculation today that the catastrophic cardiac arrest was triggered by an injection of the painkiller Demerol after rehearsals in his home town.
Paramedics were told he was 'not breathing at all' and rushed him to UCLA hospital where a team tried to revive him for more than an hour but he never came round.
An autopsy will be held in Los Angeles today but those close to the star believe it is an addiction to prescription drugs as he prepared for the gigs in London that killed him.

So sudden: Hours later Michael Jackson's body is taken away to the Coroner's office
Mr Oxman, who was with sister La Toya and brothers Jermaine and Randy, blamed the singer's 'enablers' for pushing him too hard in the run up to the gigs which had been due to start on July 13.
'This was something which I feared and something which I warned about. This is a case of abuse of medication, unless there is another cause that I don’t know about. Where there is smoke there is fire.'
Waandishi wa habari walifurika hospitalini hapo

He told CNN: ‘This family has been trying for months and months and months to take care of Michael Jackson. The people surrounding him have been enabling him.
'If you think the case of Anna Nicole Smith was abuse then that is nothing in comparison to what we have been seeing in Michael Jackson’s life.'
Tearful: Jermaine Jackson confirms his brother's death at a press conference at UCLA hospital
‘Michael had appeared at the rehearsals a couple of times. He was very seriously trying to be able to do these rehearsals. But his use of medications had become in the way and injuries he had sustained performing had got in the way.'
He added: 'He had broken a vertebrae performing and he had broken his leg in a fall from the stage. I don’t know the extent of the medications he was using but the reports that we have been receiving in the family were that it was extensive.’
Former producer and friend Tarak Ben Ammar echoed fears of drug abuse, claiming Jackson had been a hypchondriac who had been taken advantage of 'charlatan doctors'.
'It’s clear that the criminals in this affair are the doctors who treated him throughout his career, who destroyed his face, who gave him medicine to ease his pain,' he told France’s Europe 1 radio.
'He was a hypochondriac and one never really knew if he was sick because he had become surrounded by charlatan doctors who were billing him thousands and thousands of dollars worth of drugs, vitamins.'
Promoters of the shows at the O2 arena in South-East London had said in March that Jackson had passed a four and half hour medical with independent doctors.
It was hoped the This Is It concerts would revive Jackson's tarnished career after almost 12 years off the stage, during which he became ever more eccentric and faced allegations of child abuse.
When the dates were announced, promoter Randy Phillips said: 'He's as healthy as can be - no health problems whatsoever'.
Despite nagging fears for his health and fitness, the singer's representatives insisted he would be able to perform and the stage was set for the most expensive, technologically advanced shows ever.
Jackson badly needed the revenue from the gigs to stay afloat and they would have earned him as much as £50million.
Despite being one of the most successful recording artists of all time with hits such as Thriller, Bad and Billie Jean, he was believed to be $500million (£303million) in the red.
More than 750,000 tickets had been sold but concerns for the star grew when the first four gigs were postponed last month, although organisers AEG Live insisted this was unrelated to his health.
They were still selling tickets just 24 hours before he died and now face a possible £300million liability depending on their insurance small print. Fans have been assured they will get a full refund.

Devastated: Jackson's sister La Toya arriving in tears, followed by his mother, Katherine
Mashabiki wakilia kwa uchungu
Wapenzi wa MJ wakiwa njee ya Hospitali
Devastated: Jackson's sister La Toya arriving in tears, followed by his mother, Katherine

Kilichomuua Michael Jackson
Demorol is a prescription drug taken to ease pain. It is also known as Pethidine and can easily lead to addiction. Professor Steve Field, head of the Royal College of General Practictioners, said it is a 'drug of abuse' and similar to heroin.

'If you are addicted then you need higher and higher doses to have any impact. A high dose would slow down breathing then make it stop altogether. If you are left long enough you get oxygen depletion to the body which damages tissues and leads to a cardiac arrest. This is why paramedics will try to get oxygen back in the body with resuscitation,' he said.

Some countries including Australia have limited the use of Demerol after migraine patients started getting addicted to it. It is still used in the UK as a painkiller, especially for women in childbirth.

Jackson wrote about the drug in his 1997 album Blood on the Dance Floor in a song entitled Morphine. 'Trust in me, trust in me, put all your trust in me, you're doin morphine. Demerol. Demerol. Oh God, he's taking Demerol,' the lyrics said.
Jackson's ex-wives Debbie Rowe and Lisa Marie Presley both expressed their shock at the tragedy. Rowe, the mother of two of his three children, was 'inconsolable'.
Presley, whose own father died from an overdose to prescription drugs in 1977 at the age of 42, said she was 'heartbroken' for the children.
‘I am so very sad and confused with every emotion possible. Words fail me,’ she said.
Close friend Uri Geller said: 'I feel that the anticipation of this mammoth challenge of doing these 50 concerts, wanting it to be close to perfection, putting him under huge, huge pressures, that could have been it.'
Jackson's body was seen being taken from the hospital last night. It was taken to the Los Angeles' Coroner's office where the autopsy will take place sometime today.
Investigators will focus on claims the star had a long-term addiction to painkillers as they seek to establish a cause of death.
A result could take days, or even weeks, due to the complex toxicology tests that will need to be done to identify any drugs in Jackson's system.
Murder squad detectives have been put in charge of the case and were today searching the Beverly Hills home were the singer collapsed, but a Los Angeles Police spokesman said the death was not suspicious.
‘Nothing should be read into this,’ he said. Detectives plan to interview relatives, friends and Jackson’s doctors to try and figure out what happened
Jumba la Michael Jackson.

Mbilia Bell yuko nchini

Msanii wa miondoko ya Zouk Mbilia Bell akiwaonyesha umahiri wake wa kucheza zouk waandishi wa habari katika ukumbi wa May Fair.

Msanii wa miondoko ya Zouk, Mbilia Bell akiwa na ofisa Uhusiano wa Zain Tanzania , Celine Njuju muda mfupi baada ya kuwasili uwanja wa ndege wa mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere, msanii huyo anatarajiwa jkufanya maonyesho kadhaa nchini.Picha kwa hisani ya Zain.


Kama uliwahi kutabiri kwamba siku moja mtanzania Hasheem Thabeet atakuja kuchezea katika ligi ya mpira wa kikapu ya NBA, unayo sababu ya kujidai kwani utabiri wako umetimia jioni hii(saa za New York).

Hasheem Thabeet amechaguliwa kujiunga na timu ya Memphis Grizzlies yenye makao yake makuu huko Memphis katika jimbo la Tennessee nchini Marekani.
Hasheem anakuwa mtanzania wa kwanza kufikia hatua hiyo.

Kama nchi tuna kila sababu ya kufurahia mafanikio yake na kumtakia kila la kheri. Hivi sasa anakuwa,bila shaka, “balozi” wetu katika ulimwengu wa michezo hususani mpira wa kikapu. Kila la kheri Hasheem.Soma kinagaubaga taarifa">hapa

Michael Jackson afariki dunia.

Mwanamuziki wa mkali wa Pop Duniani Michael Jackson amefariki dunia. Kwa mujibu wa shirika la utangazaji la CNN Michael Jacksom amefariki dunia na alikutwa katika jumba lake la kifahari huko Bel-Air akiwa mahututi, habari za awali zinasema alipata Stroke.
Kwa mujibu wa Polisi na msemaji wa kikosi cha Fire Cap. Steve Ruda alisema kuwa walipokea simu ya 911 toka kwenye jumba la Michael walipokwenda walimkuta akiwa katika hali mbaya na kumpa huduma ya kwanza kabla ya kumhamishia UCLA Medical Centre.

Mamia kwa maelfu ya waandishi walikuwa wamekusanyika nje ya Hospital hiyo ambapo habari za ugonjwa na uvumi wa kufariki Michael Jackson ambaye amekuwa kipenzi cha mashabiki wengi ulimwenguni zilikuwa zimeenea kote kwa kasi ya ajabu.
Michael amefariki akiwa na miaka 50.

Mwezi huu unaokuja Michael alitazamiwa kutangaza kustaafu muziki rasmi kwa show kubwa ambayo ilipangwa kufanyika nchini Uingereza
Mungu aiweke roho ya marehemy mahala pema peponi-Amen.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Hasheem Thabeet kila la kheri

NBA draft prospect Hasheem Thabeet, from the University of Connecticut, speaks to reporters in New York, Wednesday, June 24, 2009. The NBA basketball draft will be held Thursday June 25, in New York. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)

Hasheem Thabit is for NBA pick in few hours to come, Wabong na wadau wote twakutakia kila la kheri. kwa taarifa zaidi

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Mama Kikwetena mama Mkapa

Mwenyekiti wa mfuko wa wanawake na maendeleo (WAMA) mama Salma Kikwete na Mwenyekiti wa mfuko wa fursa kwa wote (EOTF) mama Mkapa wakiagana baada ya semina ya wanawake wajasiriamali kufunguliwa na Rais wa Zanzibar katika ukumbi wa Chuo cha uhasibu Kurasini. Picha kwa hisani ya Ikulu.

Monday, June 22, 2009

nasma khamis afariki dunia

Mwimbaji mahiri na aliyewahi kutamba sana kwenye anga ya muziki wa taarabu hapa nchini,Bibie Nasma Khamis wa Kidogo (shoto pichani) amefariki dunia usiku wa kumkia leo, kutokana na taarifa ambazo si rasmi sana Jiachie imezipata zinaeleza kuwa msiba huo upo Kinondoni,Jijini Dar.Kwa habari kamili tega sikio hapa hapa Jamvini.
Nasma Khamis 'Kidogo' (shoto) enzi za uhai wake na Bi Khadija Omar Kopa wakila pozi pamoja. Malkia hawa wa taarab ya kisasa inayonakshiwa kwa mipasho, walikuwa ni wahasimu wakubwa jukwaani na marafiki wa karibu mitaani. Taarifa hizi ni kwa mujibu wa

Mambo ya Zimbabwe hayo

Saturday morning market outside Bulawayo City Hall
Its nice and toasty sitting in the warm winter sun right now. Zimbabwe has glorious winter days generally, cold and icy first thing in the morning, but by midday the sun is shining down, its not too hot, not too cold, as the littlest one of the Three Bears said “It’s Just right” .
It was this month four years ago that Murambatsvina reared its ugly head in Zimbabwe, when hundreds of thousands of people lost their homes, their jobs, their livelihoods, to the vagaries and cruelty of a government hell-bent on self destruction.
So maybe its time now to reflect on where we are as a nation ?
Are things any better than they were four years ago ?
If the status quo remains the same, yes indeed things are better for some of us. But not for all Zimbabweans sadly, for the rural people things have not changed at all, they had nothing then, they still have nothing, but for the ‘middle-class’ man in the street, things are certainly a little better.


In light of the rapid growth of China?s investment in Africa andbi-lateral trade worth US$100 billion in just two years, SanushaNaidu, debates whether the country is promoting development across thecontinent, or is driven largely by mercantilist imperatives. Thequestions to ask, says Naidu, are which Africans are benefiting fromChinese money, and whether China will continue its large-scaleinvestments in Africa as the financial crisis bites. Naidu cautionsthat Beijing may ?become more strategic and perhaps more prudentaround which of its investment projects it wants to initiate based onoverall benefits and viability?, making it unwise to bank on China?smassive foreign reserves. If Chinese investment is to promotedevelopment, Naidu argues, it must take ?a bottom-up approach thatrecognises the daily social justice struggles of ordinary Africans forsocio-economic survival rather than intensifying them?.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Rubani afa ndege ikiwa angani

Katika kisa ambacho wengi watadhani ni muujiza, abiria 247 waliokuwa wakisafiri na ndege ya kampuni ya Continental kutoka Ubelgiji hadi Marekani waliponea chupuchupu wakati nahodha wa ndege yao alipofariki dunia.
Msemaji wa Halmashauri inayosimamia usafiri wa ndege Marekani, Arlene Salac alisema kulikuwa na marubani wengine wawili ambao waliidhibiti ndege hiyo aina ya Boeing 777 hadi uwanja wa ndege wa Newark Liberty ambako ilitua kwa dharura.
Mtaalamu mmoja wa usafiri wa ndege, Jim Ferguson alisema si jambo la kawaida rubani kufariki dunia akiwa angani.
Kwa kawaida ndege hiyo huendeshwa na marubani wawili. Lakini kwa bahati nzuri wakati huu, kulikuwa na mwingine wa ziada.
Bwana Ferguson alisema ingekuwa vigumu kwa rubani mmoja kuidhibiti ndege hiyo kutua.
Abiria hawakuambiwa lolote kuhusu mkasa huo. Miongoni mwao alikuwa daktari mmoja wa maswala ya moyo, Dr. Julien Struyven ambaye aliitikia tangazo daktari yeyote kwenye ndege hiyo kujitokeza.
Abiria hawakujua kwamba mwito ulitolewa kwa ajili ya kumuokoa rubani wa ndege hiyo.
Dr Struyven alipomfikia rubani huyo alikuta kama tayari ameaga dunia.
“Hakukuwa na uwezekano wowote wa kumwokoa,” alisema Dr Struyven.
Alisema huenda rubani huyo mwenye umri wa miaka 60 na ambaye amehudumia kampuni hiyo kwa zaidi ya miaka 20 alifariki dunia kutokana na matatizo ya moyo. Kwa habari zaidi soma

Mambo ya Biharamulo yameiva kazi kwao

Mgombea wa CCM Oscar Rwegasira Mukasa akijinadi wa wapiga kura katika Kijiji cha Mavota wilaya Biharamulo katika moja ya mikutano ya CCM ya kampeni kuwania kuchaguliwa kuwa mbunge wa jimbo la Biharamulo Magharibi. (Picha na Frederick Katulanda)

Kwaninini na sisi tusiwalete Wamarekani wajifunze kiswahili

Afisa Mwandamizi wa ubalozi wa Marekani nchini Dr. Tulinabo Mushingi (katikati) akiwa katika picha ya pamoja na vijana wa vyuo vikuu wanaosomea shahada za kwanza wanaosafiri kesho kwenda Marekani kwa programu ya kufundisha lugha ya kiingereza kwa mataifa ya Afrika. Programu hiyo inagharimiwa na watu wa Marekani, ni programu inayofuzwa kwa kina inayolenga kuongeza usomaji kwa lugha ya kingereza, kuandika, kusoma na kusikiliza maarifa ya wanazuoni wa kiafrika lakini kubwa zaidi ni kuwapa welewa mpana zaidi wa tamaduni za kimarekani pamoja na mila na desturi zao. (picha kwa hisani wa ubalozi wa Marekani)
Sijui sisi kama Tanzania tutalifikia suala hili lini, wenzetu wameona mbali saana programu za namna hii ni zenye kufunza makubwa kutoka kwetu ina maana vijana wetu hapo baadaye watajua Umarekani kwa kina zaidi kuliko utanzania, changamoto kwetu tufanyeje tufikie huku????

Eti Ze Utamu amekamatwa

Taarifa za awali zilizokuwa zikieleza kuwa Polisi wa Tanzania kwa kushirikiana na Polisi wa Kimataifa (Interpol), kwamba eti walifanikiwa kumshika Raia mmoja wa Uingereza ambaye ana asili ya Tanzania mwenye umri wa miaka 39 na kutuhumiwa kwa kuundesha mtandao wa Ze Utamu.
Raia huyo ambaye alidaiwa kuwa ni Mtaalamu wa kompyuta na ana uwezo wa kuzungumza na kuandika Kiingereza, kiswahili na kichina ana makazi katika mji wa Essex nchini Uingereza.Wataalamu wa Idara ya upelelezi kutoka Tanzania wakishirikiana na wenzao wa Uingereza wamefanikiwa kuonana na mtaalamu huyo na kupata ushahidi kwamba ndiye alikuwa mmiliki wa Mtandao huo. Taarifa za sasa kutoka chanzo cha habari hizo cha, Swahili Time zinaonyesha kuwa chanzo hicho kimelazimika kuiondoa mtandaoni baada ya kuwepo taarifa za kutatanisha, kuhusu ukweli wake. tutaendelea kufahamishana yanayojiri.
Taarifa zaidi zinazosambaa sasa zinaeleza kuwa huyo bwana hajakamatwa. Mmoja aliandika hivi kwenye Bidii: So far ni uzushi.dogo ni mtoto wa mweshimiwa Lusinde,ukoo wa malechela. todate yupo Uk yeye na familia yake wakila kuku raha all of this news about him ni huzushi. nimeonana na kuongea na wana familia yake wamenithibitishia hilo.Tanzania wanaitaji sana kuinvest kwenye CYBE CRIME TECHNOLOGIES kuliko chochote kile wamaitafuta utamu baada ya Mweshuimiwa Rais kutolewa how about walala hoi waliojiua kutokana na UTAMU?.how about wizi wa mabenki kupitia internet ambao sofar umesababisha zaidi ya 25 million USD kuibiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 7 iliyopita?serikali yetu inakumbatia siasa kuliko technology.wao todate wanaamini watanzania ni mamuma but sio kweli CCM wanatakiwa kujua kuwa Karne ya kupigiwa kura kwa sababu eti wamegawa fulana au pilau zimeisha.kikwete inabidi astafishe vikongwe atoe ajira kwa vijana aone vinginevyo tumeumiaSIKU NJEMA

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Bamaga jana

MOTO uliozuka jana saa 3:00 asubuhi katika kituo cha mafuta cha T.S.N. Bamaga kilichopo katika makutano ya barabara ya New Bagamoyo na Shekilango jijini Da es Salaam, unadaiwa kusababisha hasara kubwa.
Akizungumza baada ya tukio hilo Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Kituo hicho Faruku Ahmed, alisema moto huo uliunguza gari la kubeba mafuta aina ya Benz lenye tanki lake pamoja na jenereta ndogo.

Hata hivyo kiasi kamili hakikutajwa, ingwa mwenyekituo alisema moto umesababisha hasara ya mamilioni ya Shilingi.

Moto huo ulidaiwa kusababishwa na hitilafu katika mashine ya jenereta iliyokuwa ikipampu mafuta kutoka kwenye kisima cha mafuta ya taa na kuhamishia katika gari kwa ajili ya kuyapeleka katika kituo kingine cha kampuni hiyo kilichopo Tegeta jijini Dar es Salaam.

Mi nasema kama hii mitungi ya gesi ingefanya umbagala fulani sijui leio ingekuwaje ama wananchi wa jirani nao wangepatiwa fidia kama Mbagala? kwa habari zaidi mtembelee Mzsee wa Sumo huku

Shirikisho la Afrika Mashariki la nini sasa kama ni hivi?

Twaelekea katika hilo linaloitwa shirikisho la Afrika Mashariki, kila nchi ina mambo yake lukuki ambayo imeyashindwa au kuelemewa, hawa Wakenya (pichani katika picha zilizopigwa na JOSEPH KANYI) wana mambo yao lukuki yamewashinda wanapigana kila kukicha mpaka inabidi kutumia ulinzi mkali, sisi kule Tarime ni mapanga na mashoka watu wanakatana utadhani sijui ni ng'ombe au kuku, bado huko Uganda kule kwa kina Josseph Kony mambo ni ya hovyo, sasa hivi kuna suala la kisiwa cha Migingo Kenya na Uganda hawapatani, kule Rwanda na Burundi mambo ni haya haya hivi tunataka kuunda shirikiso la aina gani. Zanzibar bado inatusubiri sijui hatima ya watoto wetu?

Serikali Yafuta Ushuru Kwa Madhehebu Yote ya Dini

Wiki moja baada ya serikali ya jamhuri ya muungano wa Tanzania kutangaza kuanza kutoza ushuru kwa mashirika yote ya Dini wakati ikiwasilisha bajeti ya Mwaka 2009/10 bungeni mjini Dodoma na kuzua maswali mengi kutoka kwa Wabunge Leo Waziri Mkuu wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania Mheshimiwa Mizengo Kayanza Pinda ametangaza Rasmi kufuta ushuru Kwa madhehebu yote ya Dini na huo na kurejea kama Mwanzo.Mheshimiwa Waziri Mkuu ametangaza Uamuzi huo Mjini Dodoma jana kwa taarifa za kina hebu soma

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Makamu wa Rais Dk Shein kuaga mwili wa Omar Bongo Gabon Leo

Askari wa Jeshi la Gabon wakisindikiza Jeneza lenye mwili wa Rais wa Gabon marehemu Omar Bongo aliyefariki Dunia tarehe 8 Juni 2009 Nchini Hispania alikokuwa akitibiwa kuelekea uwanja wa ndege wa Nchi hiyo ulipokua ukitokea Ikulu mjini Libreville ukipelekwa kijijini kwake kwa maziko kesho

Makamu wa Rais Dk Ali Mohamed Shein akitia saini kitabu cha maombolezo Ikulu mjini Libreville Nchini Gabon kufuatia kifo cha Rais wa Nchi hiyo Marehemu Omar Bongo kilichotokea tarehe 8 Juni 2009 mjini Bacelona Hispania alikokuwa akitibiwa Marehemu Bongo anatarajiwa kuzikwa kesho kijijini kwake Nchini Gabon. Picha zote za mdau Amour Nassor wa ofisi ya makamu wa rais

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Happyness Magesse

Mustafa Hassanali launched his Prêt a Porter Spring/Summer 2009/10 Collection “Mduara” on 14 June at the Arise Africa Fashion Week.
The collection has been inspired by the sacred, savoury, significance, Sensual, soulful, synergetic Rhythms of our Swahili nation

Mustafa Believes “The Vibrancy of our Music, Culture, myths and Believes form an integral part of our being hence “Mduara” The Local Dance Rhythms which has Inspired this ready to wear Women Collection which is An eclectic mix of Tradition meeting Modernity and Vice versa”

The Collection Comprised of Ready to wear structured Kitenge (Printed Cotton) and flowing Chiffons accessorised by Mustafa Hassanali Signature Bling.

With this I would Like to thank Almighty for leading my path, You the Media without whom My creativity would go Unnoticed, Africa Fashion International and Arise Africa Fashion week, Vodacom, 1Time Airline, TBC, My friends and the Staff at Mustafa Hassanali who worked tirelessly to realise the collection. God Bless you all Ameen.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Miundombinu yetu Mtwara

Mkuu wa mkoa wa Mtwara Kanali Mstaafu Anatoli Tarimo, akivuka katika daraja la miti alipokwenda kukagua shamba darasa la Mpunga katika kijiji cha Mchichira, wilaya ya Tandahimba mkoani hapa jana Picha na Abdallah Bakari

Infotech's Mufuruki on African Entrepreneurship

Tanzanian tech entrepreneur Ali Mufuruki discusses the challenges
Africa confronts and his efforts to help build a new generation of continental leaders.By Steve HammSilicon Valley entrepreneurs may think they have it rough.But their biggest difficulties, even during a downturn,are trifles compared with the challenges faced by Ali A.Mufuruki when he launched an info-tech services business in his native Tanzania in 1989.The country was still in the grip of socialism and computers were officially banned.
Now Mufuruki is chief executive of Infotech Investment Group,a holding company for businesses that include the IT services company,an advertising agency,and subsidiaries focusing on real estate,strategy consulting,retailing, and private equity investing.Click Here For More


Lindi, Machi 6, 2025 – Waziri Mkuu wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania, Mhe. Kassim Majaliwa , leo amehudhuria na kuwa mgeni rasmi katika Ko...