Monday, December 31, 2007

Ni kichapo kinaendelea mtindo mmoja

Raila analia.

Opposition supporters shout slogans during protests in Nairobi, December 31, 2007. Police battled protesters in blazing slums on Monday as President Mwai Kibaki began a second term after a disputed vote that has convulsed Kenya , hurt its democratic credentials, and brought a rising death-toll. REUTERS/Thomas Mukoya ( KENYA )

Balaa Kenya

A wounded opposition supporter is escorted away during protests in Nairobi, December 31, 2007. Police battled protesters in blazing slums on Monday as President Mwai Kibaki began a second term after a disputed vote that has convulsed Kenya , hurt its democratic credentials, and brought a rising death-toll. REUTERS/Nicola Gnecchi ( KENYA )

Kenya vipande vipande

cheki nchi ilivyosambaratika

Nimerejea ndani ya nyumba

kwa takriban mwezi mzima mmekuwa hammpati taarifa motomoto, hii ni kutokana na sababu zilizo nje ya uwez wetu na sasa tumerejea na habari kabambe tutazame katika blogu hii.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Kili Starzzz oyeeeee


Kilimanjaro Staaz wameandika bao la pili kupitia kwa mshambuliaji Dan Mruanda dakika ya 88 baada ya kuwatoka mabeki wa harambee staaz na kufunga bao tamu sana. Kwa hiyo staaz inaongoza bao 2-1 na wakati huo huo mchezaji Amiri Maftaha amepewa kadi nyekundu kwa mchezo mbaya dhidi ya Samwel Ochieng dakika za lala salama.

Chuo Kikuu cha Utalii Kujengwa Tanzania


(December 7, 2007—Vancouver, Canada) An historic agreement to establish the first “World Tourism University” for Africa in Tanzania by the Canada-based World Trade University Global Secretariat was one of the major outcomes of the 2nd World Tourism Marketing Summit, held in Beijing, China, from October 28-30, 2007. The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the World Tourism University in Africa was signed by Sujit Chowdhury, Secretary General of the Summit and President of the World Trade University Global Secretariat, and Hon. Prof. Jumanne Maghembe, Tanzania ’s Minister of Natural Resources & Tourism, signing on behalf of The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania.

H.E. President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, President of the United Republic of Tanzania and Honorary Global Chair of the 2nd World Tourism Marketing Summit said that he was very pleased that a Memorandum of Understanding was signed at the Summit between the World Trade University-Global Secretariat and the United Republic of Tanzania to establish the first World Tourism University –Africa in Tanzania: “On behalf of all Africa, and indeed on behalf of the government and people of Tanzania I want to thank you, Mr. Sujit Chowdhury, most sincerely for this important opportunity to host this prestigious institution. As the Institution will collect some of the best World Scholars to provide postgraduate education and conduct research on relevant issues on African Tourism and the Travel industry we hope that this will help to open Africa to the world and position it to benefit effectively from this fast growing industry.”

According to Mr. Chowdhury, the World Tourism University in Tanzania would be the first of its kind and would be graduate level tourism management center pf learning serving continental Africa . “ Tanzania is a perfect location for this university where tourism is booming with stable democracy and economic growth; there are seven world Heritage Sites, and with over 25% of the land protected under law, Tanzania has set an example in its commitment to the conservation of its natural resources, wildlife, and rich cultural heritage. We ought to celebrate this and I look forward to work with the Government. and the people of Tanzania in pursuing this most timely endeavor.”

Hon. Prof. Maghembe, upon signing the agreement, stated that “we expect that the scholarship and research that will come out of this prestigious institution will benefit all of Africa , and would lead to the development of a new generation of African- born travel and tourism industry professionals that will bring tourism in Africa to a whole new level of professionalism.”

The Summit , organized by the World Trade University Global Secretariat and hosted by the Beijing Tourism Administration of the People’s Republic of China , brought together more than 350 high-level tourism industry professionals and government officials from over 35 countries. Included in the Summit were representatives from 150 major cities throughout 30 provinces in China .

About World Trade University :
The World Trade University based in Canada , was created to foster freer trade by providing appropriate training to new generations of business leaders, managers, and public policy makers to effectively deal with and promote increasingly freer trade in their respective communities to ensure greater gains for all. Launched on the occasion of the 3rd United Nations Conference on Least Developed Countries, WTU plays a leading role in delivering high quality advanced world trade education programs to students from around the world.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Miss china awa miss world 2007

Miss China wins Miss World 2007

Miss China Zhang Zilin pichani juu ameibuka mshindi wa Shindano la MissWorld lilomalizika hivi punde Sanya China, ambapo Mwakilishi kutoka TanzaniaRicha Adhia alitolewa kwenye mchakato huo kwenye kwenye hatua za kwanza kabisabila kugusa mzunguko wa pili Nafasi ya Pili imekwenda kwa Miss Angola na ya Tatu 3 Mexico. big up Haki Ngowi

SANYA, China (AFP) — Miss China won Miss World 2007 in Sanya, China, late on Saturday, much to the delight of a partisan audience.
Miss Angola came second and Miss Mexico third at the beauty pageant, held on the southern holiday island of Hainan, dubbed China's answer to Hawaii.
Two billion people in 200 countries were expected to tune in to watch the show, which saw Miss China take the crown ahead of 106 of the world's most beautiful and talented women.

Leo ndo mambozzz

Richa bwana kwa mapozi si mchezo ijui leo atapeta.

Baadhi ya washiriki wa Miss World 2007 hapo kesho kutoka kushoto ni Miss Nigeria Munachi Gail Teresa Abii, Miss Singapore Roshni Kaur Soin, Miss Peurto Rico Jennifer Guevara Campos, Miss Trinidad and Tobago Valene Maharaj and Miss Tanzania Richa Maria Adhia.picha ii imepigwa leo Sanya, Hainan Island. Mashindano ya Miss World hapo kesho yatafanyika ndani ya Sanya tourist resort.


    TANGA, 01 Machi 2025 – Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania, Mhe. Dkt. Samia Suluhu Hassan, leo amefanya tukio rasmi la uwekaji wa ji...